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Join our team!

At SODECA, we value people, their well-being and excellence in customer service above all.

Motivator project
Motivator project
We make every effort to provide an environment in which our employees feel valued and motivated.
We believe that a solid relationship based on mutual trust is the foundation for a positive and productive work environment.
We make every effort to exceed the expectations of our customers with respect to quality, innovation and service.
Culture of respect
Culture of respect
We undertake to create a work environment that is safe, inclusive and free from discrimination and harassment.

People at the centre

“At SODECA, we believe that people have the power to change the world, and we want our employees to feel inspired to do so.”

We make every effort to promote learning, creativity and innovation among each one of our employees, and we work to develop their talent.

We also promote an environment of physical and emotional well-being through dialogue, conversation and constructive feedback, thereby achieving continuous improvement.

Our objective is to be the company that our teams would like to have.

Our greatest value is our team

Together towards the future

The people who form a part of our team are our greatest differential value for ensuring the future of the company. United by a common vision and guided by values that govern how we work.

Our human team has always been the force that has driven the company to grow internationally.

Learn a bit more about us in the video on our history.

Send us your CV